Image by bradleygee via Flickr
Saving money on cleaning supplies can be a large issue in most households. Far too many households have more cleaning supplies then they need. You do not need a product to clean everything in your house. Narrow it down to five for one week, and if you do not like how the products clean, then keep throwing your money away.
All a household needs is some sort of multi-purpose cleaner, a disinfectant, a floor cleaner and glass cleaner. The only exception would be if you have specialty woods, or something else that honestly needs its own special cleaner. Now the average household does not have 4 or 5 cleaning products, in fact, most households have at least 10. And that's not including the specialty items, or the "I tried it and it doesn't work" products. Take a look under your sink (or wherever else you keep your cleaners), what do you see? I thought so. Throw them out. Seriously. Can you even find your regular cleaners?
Take it down to basics, and you'll be surprised that you ever lived with all those products. Who wants to lug 7 products with them just to clean a bathroom? I sure don't. I use products that make cleaning easier on me. I'm a single Mom, I don't have time to lug that many cleaners to the bathroom, the bathroom would never get cleaned. I also use products that last me a long time. The only exception to that rule is the Swiffer Wet Jet pads.
A total list of my cleaning products: Simple Green (multi-purpose), Bleach (disinfectant), Swiffer Wet Jet (ha ha, I'm lazy), Windex (glass cleaner), Fabreeze (I like it), Tide (Laundry Detergent), Dawn (Dish Detergent), cheapo Dishwasher Powder (stain remover). Yeah, that's it. And that's including those that weren't included on the above list. That's really all you need!
Getting the most out of your products isn't hard either. Simple Green lasts me forever, as do the rest of my cleaners, because I ignore what the bottles say. Simple Green is meant to be dilluted, so I have two spray bottles and one large bottle of it. And I've had that large bottle for over a year. One spray bottle is diluted for regular cleaning, and one undilluted for some serious heavy duty cleaning. Bleach can be diluted, and works just as well. Straight bleach is bad for you, you can develop contact allergies to it. Ask me how I know. With laundry detergent, use only about 1/2 of that silly cap. If you really need to cut costs, use 1/4. If you use a full cap, most of your money is going down the drain with the suds, it doesn't clean any better. I get at least 104 loads out of a 52 load bottle of Tide. Lower the amount of dish detergent you use as well, you only need about the size of a dime. Ignore those high priced stain removers...that $2 box of cheap Dishwasher detergent works better. Can also be used instead of OxyClean. For the most part I do use name brands, as I find I get far more mileage out of them, no reactions, and I use far less of the product. That can add up to significant savings, especially if you use coupons.
If you are really strapped for cash, use what you already have around the house. Vinegar cleans and disinfects just about anything, from windows to your toilet. I think it smells better too. Use up left over shampoos, conditioners, bars of soap, body name it...and use that as a cleaner. I use it in my toilet, and I think I have the best smelling one around! Obviously the cleansers work best, but I mix mine all up. Just a squirt and you are off running. Dab some vinegar if you are worried about germs, but frankly, if its good enough to clean my body, its good enough for everything else too! Vinegar can also be used as fabric softener, without harming your septic. Use cheap Dollar store cloths instead of paper towels, then toss them in the wash.
As you can see, there are tons of ways of saving money just with your cleaning products! I'm sure there are even more tips out there...I just haven't discovered them all yet! Feel free to let me know if you have one that I didn't cover here.
For the online/bulk shoppers:
Tide Free HE 2x Concentrated Liquid Detergent, 64-Load Bottle (Pack of 4)
Simple Green 13022 All Purpose Cleaner. 22 oz.
DRA90135CT JohnsonDiversey Windex Trigger Glass Cleaner
~*If you know of any money saving tips or tricks that have worked for you, feel free to share them! You can always email me at *~