Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Does Gardening Really Save You Money?

007 As I’m starting my seeds and getting ready for the gardening season, I have to ask myself if I’m really saving anything.  Or if its just the first year, start up costs that have me down.

Go vote in the poll about it. :)  You knew that was coming.  Long term gardeners, short term, anyone can vote.  They’re simple answers, so please, if you have some insight to share, comment!  I can’t be the only one who wants to know. :)

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  1. I think if you have a green thumb and can make a large enough garden, then you can probably break even and then some. I don't fall into the green thumb category though!

  2. I think it does. You just have to invest a little to get started but if you are successful at it then you will save money and eat better plus it's organic so no pesky yep! You are on the right track!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! LOL about the baking soda - you'll have to keep me posted on how that turned out, hehe
