Monday, December 15, 2008

One Income Living

Welcome to One Income Living!

I am a single mother of a five year old little girl, so I am always on the lookout for ways to save or make some extra money. I currently have a part time job while she is in school and I also receive welfare benefits. I truly make that little, and due to babysitting costs, I cannot increase my hours at work much. So it is very important to me to ensure that I stretch every dollar as far as I can, and find the best ways to add some more income.

This is definitely not going to be one of those "How I made x amount of money overnight!" blogs. If I were making that kind of cash, I wouldn't be worried about stretching the all mighty dollar until it screamed.

Like many other parents, I want to ensure that my daughter has what she needs, and the things she truly wants. I want to give her the best start that I can, and allow her to be who she is...without having to stifle her individuality and creativity due to not having enough money. I've already had to tell her no on some activities that she really wanted to do, and that breaks my heart, especially since it would be a great experience for her. I'm sure many other parents are in the same boat right now.

So lets go sniff out some deals together, shall we?

~*If you know of any money saving tips or tricks that have worked for you, feel free to share them! You can always email me at *~